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New Zealand News

Barbara Sumner Burstyn: Time to take a leaf out of Canada's equality book - 30th June 2003
Last weekend on the roof-top bar of a downtown Toronto hotel, a well-dressed man at the next table crossed his legs, dangled a 7cm spike-heel from his pedicured foot and ordered another blue martini.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Complainant seeks inquiry into Ellis case - 28th June 2003
One of the original complainants in the Christchurch Civic Child Care Centre case is among those to sign a petition calling for a Commission of Inquiry into Peter Ellis' convictions.
Read the full story - The Press

Diana Wichtel: Relax, traditional family is safe - 28th June 2003
The Government really has been cleaning out the closet. All sorts of things that lurk at the back, packed away in the too hard basket, are seeing the light of day. With loaded issues such as prostitution and same-sex parenting on the agenda, no wonder fuses are blowing all over the land. The fact is, both prostitution and same-sex parents have been around for a very long time. It's just that we didn't have to think about them, which is always so much easier on the national nervous system.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Lion puts pink dollar at risk - 28th June 2003
The pink dollar buys a lot of beer, say staff at Auckland gay bars, and beer companies should try targeting that market rather than alienating it.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Barnett's law a case of conscience - 28th June 2003
There was one telling image when prostitution was decriminalised this week. It was Georgina Beyer taking Tim Barnett's hand in Parliament as they waited for the vote, and it would have had Norman Jones spinning in his grave.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Males make up majority of prostitutes arrested - 28th June 2003
More than half of the 354 people arrested for soliciting in the past five years were men.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Ellis supporters need new evidence says Goff - 25th June 2003
A petition signed by prominent politicians, academics, lawyers and a retired judge, seeking a royal commission into the Peter Ellis case, has failed to sway Justice Minister Phil Goff.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Brash hopeful of success with A-list Ellis petition - 24th June 2003
National MP Don Brash is hopeful the signatures of 140 high-profile New Zealanders will convince the Government to review Peter Ellis' conviction in the Christchurch Civic Creche child abuse case.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Goff being badly advised by officials, says Ellis campaigner - 24th June 2003
Justice Minister Phil Goff was being badly advised by his officials when arguing he would need new evidence to order a royal commission of inquiry into the Peter Ellis case, author Lynley Hood said today.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Row over gay show winner - 23rd June 2003
Ms Gay Down-under winner was booed on stage at the weekend because she says she did not look gay enough.
Read the full story - Dominion Post

Red-blooded with dash of pink - 22nd June 2003
Lion Red has dumped the three blokey stars of its "blood brothers" commercials after one of the actors appeared as a gay character in TV drama The Strip.
Read the full story - Sunday Star Times

Unsafe behind bars - 21st June 2003
Jamie Lockett was shuffling around the perimeter of Mt Eden prison's main yard shortly after 9am that overcast October.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Bill a stepping stone -parent - 21st June 2003
Tor Devereux and Barb Long have a sticker on their front door that reads: It should not matter who we love. That we love, is the miracle. As a lesbian couple bringing up a foster child, their relationship is not the traditional nuclear family, but it is still a family full of love.
Read the full story - Otago Daily Times
Out Takes website -

John Roughan: Daddy, are you my father, too? - 21st June 2003
Peter Dunne was on radio on Wednesday morning trying to explain why his party has backed away from a Government bill that would recognise same-sex parents.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Garth George: God's still in heaven and busy building his kingdom - 19th June 2003
We have to laugh, don't we? If we didn't, we'd be in tears. Now women - lesbian women anyway - are going to be able to call themselves fathers. As if we needed any more evidence that the nation has gone as mad as a gumdigger's dog.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

First prison breakfast turns into vicious beating - 16th June 2003
Thomas Henry Owen was queuing for his first Mt Eden Prison breakfast when he was beaten up.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Owner of dog that savaged girl beaten in prison - 14th June 2003
One of two men serving a prison term for owning a dog that savaged a small girl in Auckland in February has been beaten up in prison.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Lawless Heart - 14th June 2003
But the directors deploy the technique with a delicate touch and it never overwhelms the human scale of what unfolds among the group of friends at Maldon on the Essex coast, where it is set.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Discrimination is alive and well - 14th June 2003
Unfair laws force an honoured Australian to live in New Zealand. Change is overdue, writes Brian Greig.
Read the full story - The Age

Gay film festival starts today - 13th June 2003
New Zealand's ninth annual gay and lesbian film festival runs in Dunedin from today until Sunday.
Read the full story - Otago Daily Times
Out Takes website -

Ms Dad exposes bill's gender bending clause - 12th June 2003
Mum's a woman, right? And dad's a man. Except in the Government's new Care of Children Bill.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Greens urge against back down on same sex couple - 12th June 2003
Green Party MP Metiria Turei today urged the Government not to back down on a law the Opposition says will create female fathers.
Read the full story - Stuff Newsite

Backtrack on 'lesbian dads' - 12th June 2003
The Government is promising a hasty revision of a new family bill that appears to allow a woman in a lesbian relationship to become a child's father.
Read the full story - The Press

Heed this petition - 12th June 2003
When A City Possessed, Lynley Hood's book on the Peter Ellis case, was published more than a year ago the Minister of Justice, Phil Goff, seemed to take a kind of pride in letting it be known that he had not read it, writes The Press in an editorial.
Read the full story - The Press

Ellis case too messy to sweep under the carpet - 12th June 2003
As much as the Government and the judiciary might wish it, the Ellis case is not going to go away, says The Daily News.
Read the full story - The Daily News

Same-sex partners get rights of parent - 11th June 2003
Rights for same-sex partners are among sweeping changes being proposed for family laws. Parents will be able to jointly appoint partners - including de facto or same-sex partners - as guardians of children.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Author of Ellis book says Goff badly advised - 11th June 2003
Justice Minister Phil Goff's dismissal of a petition asking for the Peter Ellis case to be reconsidered is the result of bad advice, Dunedin writer Lynley Hood says.
Read the full story - Stuff Newsite

Gay sex complaint upheld against TV station - 10th June 2003
A complaint against Auckland's Triangle Television for screening a show that depicted images of gay sex has been upheld by the Broadcasting Standards Authority (BSA).
Read the full story - Stuff Newsite

Goff unmoved by Ellis petition - 10th June 2003
The Justice Minister says a petition calling for a fresh inquiry into the Peter Ellis case will not convince him to take further action.
Read the full story - One News

Goff pours cold water on Ellis petition - 10th June 2003
No new evidence has emerged to justify reconsideration of the Peter Ellis case, Justice Minister Phil Goff said today.
Read the full story - Stuff Newsite

Establishment honour for gay activists - 9th June 2003
It's a strange feeling for gay activists Rodney Croome, AM, and Richard Hale, OAM. They wonder whether they have become part of what they opposed.
Read the full story - Sydney Morning Herald

Ellis rapt at support for inquiry - 9th June 2003
Convicted paedophile Peter Ellis was "absolutely astounded" to learn of the well-known New Zealanders who had lent their signature to a top level inquiry into his conviction.
Read the full story - The Press

Big names back new Ellis petition - 8th June 2003
The signatures of elite New Zealanders - including former prime ministers and distinguished artists and legal minds - are being gathered in a bid to force a top level inquiry into the conviction of Peter Ellis.
Read the full story - Sunday Star Times

Songs for girls who love girls - 6th June 2003
Sometimes the most beautiful music can come from the most banal beginnings. Take Throwaway, for example, the pivotal song on Plainsong, the new album by Wellington singer-songwriter Charlotte Yates. A haunting yet simple tale of love gone wrong, its simple metaphor of cleaning out a closet came straight from the compost heap.
Read the full story - NZ Herald


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