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New Zealand News

New Year Honours: Deirdre Milne - 31st December 2003
Long before the women's movement swept up Auckland barrister Deirdre Milne, her mother had drummed into her that "girls can do anything".
Read the full story - NZ Herald

New Year Honours: Farm girls at the Topp - 31st December 2003
Over the last few years Lynda and Jools Topp have transformed themselves from successful performers into veritable Kiwi icons.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Cracks in the Garden at the SiLo Theatre - 19th December 2003
Cracks in the Garden, from No Name comedy duo Jo Randerson and Gentiane Lupi, is strictly mind candy, the sort of show Woody Allen might have written for vaudeville if he'd been less riddled with angst.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Auckland restaurateur jailed for 9 years over sex offences - 18th December 2003
High-profile restaurateur Philip David Sturm, financially ruined and his reputation in tatters, has been sent to prison for nine years.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Families Commission-Appointments - 16th December 2003
Questions & Answers For Oral Answer...Peter Brown: Noting that answer in particular, will the Families Commission be able to concern itself with homosexual families and address the issue of two men living together in a homosexual relationship with a desire to adopt children?...
Read the full story

Colin James: The political year belongs to a man of quiet strength - 16th December 2003
...Tim Barnett, the first openly gay MP and a man of style, did that with dignity. He is my politician of the year.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Labour MP promotes visit by legal-drugs advocate - 15th December 2003
Labour MP Tim Barnett is helping promote the visit of an American drug reform advocate who believes in legalising all drugs - including P - as part of the way to fight them.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

BARRYMORE'S £1.5M HOUSE DOWN UNDER - 14th December 2003
SHAMED Michael Barrymore is house-hunting in New Zealand - and has already viewed a £1.5million home at a notorious GAY HAUNT.
Read the full story - The People

Designer drowned in own blood and vomit - 12th December 2003
The body of interior designer David McNee who died after being beaten in his inner city home was found naked but covered in clothes and bedding, the Auckland District Court heard yesterday.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Don't shed your togs - 11th December 2003
New signs warning beachgoers to keep their clothes on have gone up at St Leonards beach, but there are no indications yet of a tough new approach on nudity this summer.
Read the full story - North Shore Times Advertiser

Asylum ruling backs gay bid to live openly - 11th December 2003
The status of homosexuality has been elevated to that of religion and politics by a High Court decision allowing a gay Bangladeshi couple asylum in Australia.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Planning under way for weekend hui - 10th December 2003
Planning is under way for a weekend hui for gay, lesbian, bisexual, takataapui (homosexual) and transgender youth - and their close friends.
Read the full story - Whangarei Leader

Sex query deemed too hot for census - 10th December 2003
The 2006 census will not include a question about sexual orientation because Statistics New Zealand is concerned about its public acceptability.
Read the full story - The Dominion Post

Safe sex ads upset church leaders - 9th December 2003
Two New Zealand church leaders have attacked a Christmas safe-sex advertising campaign depicting a trio of jeans-wearing men with packets of condoms in their back pockets as Three Wise Men.
Read the full story - One News

Presbyterians reject lesbian as minister - 9th December 2003
A lesbian lay preacher's application to become a minister has been rejected by the Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand.
Read the full story - The Dominion Post

Pair sang about killing says witness - 9th December 2003
An Auckland street-dweller accused of murdering celebrity interior designer David McNee wandered through the city afterwards singing a song about the way he did it.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Depositions hearing begins for David McNee killing - 8th December 2003
Celebrity interior designer David McNee was killed by a man he was in the same bar with shortly before his death, an Auckland court was told today.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Crown mulls Sturm appeal - 5th December 2003
Auckland restaurateur Philip Sturm may face further court action over sex and drugs charges if the decision of a High Court judge is appealed against.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

HIV sufferers dying needlessly - 5th December 2003
The New Zealand AIDS Foundation says more than 30 New Zealanders face unnecessary illness and death within the next year because of a lack of treatment options.
Read the full story - One News

Aids epidemic fears rise - 4th December 2003
Record numbers of positive HIV tests this year have sexual health workers fearing an HIV/Aids epidemic will spread.
Read the full story - Manawatu Evening Standard

I don't get it. Every time I read another piece about homosexuals not knowing what's up regarding AIDS / HIV transmission, I wonder where the ostrich laid its egg. Come on, don't tell me that those gents don't know how the disease is transmitted.
Read the full story - J. Grant Swank, Jr.

Nude men feature on HIV campaign billboards - 2nd December 2003
Christchurch billboards are sporting nude men as part of a campaign to stem the South Island's upsurge in HIV infections
Read the full story - The Press

NZ to spend $3 million extra on Aids fight - 1st December 2003
On the eve of World Aids Day New Zealand health officials are tackling the rise in the number of people diagnosed with HIV/Aids by ploughing an extra $3 million into fighting the epidemic.
Read the full story - Stuff Website

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Last update: 31 December 2003

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