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Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender
New Zealand News

Sex habits of NZ couples being investigated - 31st March 2004
A university lecturer is throwing the covers off New Zealand couples' sex habits in an attempt to challenge sexual myths and stereotypes.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Barrymore's lawyer helps Scotsman gain residency - 31st March 2004
A Christchurch nurse and her Scottish husband are celebrating his New Zealand residency today, after a little help from the media and Michael Barrymore's immigration lawyer.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

$282,000 lawsuit surprises Michael Barrymore - 31st March 2004
Embattled entertainer Michael Barrymore had no official warning he was being sued for more than $250,000 by the family of a man who died at his English home three years ago.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Peter Dunne Speech - Political Correctness - 29th March 2004
Lesbian dads. Pakeha being referred to as 'tauiwi' at graduation ceremonies of otherwise reputable institutions. Prostitution being turned into just another job. Prisoners being referred to as 'clients'. Civil unions becoming a back door to marriage...
Read the full story
United Future
Maxim Institute

Dunne attacks gay marriage - 27th March 2004
The bid to give same-sex couples has been attacked by United Future leader Peter Dunne as undermining "mainstream" New Zealand values.
Read the full story - TVNZ
United Future
Maxim Institute

Barrymore's express residency riles couple - 27th March 2004
A Christchurch woman is outraged that controversial British comedian Michael Barrymore has gained New Zealand residency within three months, while her husband is still waiting after applying more than a year ago.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Comedian says social entrepreneur grant well spent - 26th March 2004
Comedian Philip Patston's report into his trip to disabled arts festivals - courtesy of a $30,000 taxpayer grant - is filled with the dreaded business terminology of "capacity building".
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Legacy of concern - 24th March 2004
TO LEAD effectively one of the mainstream churches in an increasingly secularist age is a daunting challenge, one taken on by the Rt Rev Dr Penny Jamieson when she assumed office as Bishop of the Dunedin Anglican Diocese in 1990.
Read the full story - Otago Daily Times

US trip to study lesbian sports - 19th March 2004
Taxpayers paid $7000 for two women to travel to the United States to study ways of encouraging more gay and lesbian Maori and Pacific Islanders to take part in sport and cultural activities.
Read the full story - The Dominion Post

Couple's US trip to study gay sport and culture costs taxpayers $7000 - 19th March 2004
A community grant of $7000 was paid for two women to travel to the United States to study ways to encourage gay and lesbian Maori and Pacific Islanders to take part in sport and cultural activities.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Reality check - 13th March 2004
Controversy-plagued British entertainer Michael Barrymore has been granted New Zealand residency under the partnership category.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Douglas Wright: Ghost Dance - 11th March 2004
The first time I saw Douglas Wright dance was in the late 80s, in Faun Variations, a solo created with more than a nod to Nijinsky. It could have been high pretension on Wright's part.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Lack of money threatens gay support body after 16 years - 8th March 2004
An Auckland support centre for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender groups says lack of money will force it to close this week.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Georgina Beyer has a soft spot for the characters - 6th March 2004
Transsexual MP Georgina Beyer has always had shock value. The former drug-taking stripper, thespian, nightclub queen, hooker and rape victim tells her life story as often as it takes - the prejudice, the abuse, and the pride of breaking barriers.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Teachers shouldering sex advice burden - 6th March 2004
Parents abdicating responsibility is causing major problems within schools, says a teachers' group.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

School sex-talk presenter banned - 5th March 2004
A school principal has banned a visiting sex education speaker after a class of 16-year-olds was given an "entirely inappropriate" lesson.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Garth George: Sorry, Helen, we're getting our own house in order - 4th March 2004
...The decriminalisation of homosexuality drove another nail into the coffin of social cohesion, which has at its fundamental building block the reproduction of the species by sexual intercourse between a married man and a woman within the security and nurture of the nuclear family.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Beyer not seeking re-election - 4th March 2004
WAIRARAPA MP Georgina Beyer is quitting politics at the end of this parliamentary term, saying the “discipline and rigours” of life as an MP have become more and more difficult for her.
Read the full story - Wairarapa Times-Age

Philippa Stevenson: Homegrown names deserve the praise - 4th March 2004
If all you need to qualify for a memorial in Hamilton is a name change, some acclaimed writing, an out-of-the-ordinary sexual bent and a brief tarriance in the city, Norris Davey qualifies in spades.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

AIDS figures show Auckland hot-spot - 3rd March 2004
Auckland remains at the heart of the AIDS epidemic with more than half of New Zealand's infection cases occurring in the city.
Read the full story - Auckland Harbour News

Gay church makes AIDS donation - 3rd March 2004
A gay Auckland Christian congregation is supporting fundraising efforts for young AIDS sufferers overseas.
Read the full story - Auckland Harbour News

Editorial: Message on HIV needs more impact - 1st March 2004
As a percentage of the population the numbers are very small, but the increased incidence of HIV cases in New Zealand last year is cause for real concern.
Read the full story - NZ Herald


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Last update: 31 March 2004

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