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New Zealand News

'I became a slave to him' says drug-sex case witness - 31st October 2003
A young man said he considered "cracking" Philip David Sturm on the head with a large ornament but thought better of it.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Murder case police ruled out sex link - 31st October 2003
Alleged murder victim Johnny Walker's conviction for sexually abusing a young person led police to consider people involved in that case as suspects in his death.
Read the full story - The Dominion Post

MY PERFECT FRIDAY NIGHT Miss Mole, drag queen - 30th October 2003
Self-described famous drag personality around town and entrepreneur, Miss Mole, aka Murray, is the organiser of the Oscars – New Zealand's longest running gay and lesbian event.
Read the full story - The Press

Man denies he consented to sexual acts with Sturm - 30th October 2003
A man who alleges he was secretly drugged and sexually violated by Philip David Sturm yesterday denied a lawyer's suggestion that he consented to the activity and then had doubts about his sexuality.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

No Sexual Orientation Question for 2006 Census - 29th October 2003
Statistics New Zealand has announced in its 2006 census report that the next census will not include a question on sexual orientation.
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Hero has debt-free outlook - 29th October 2003
Auckland's legendary Hero Festival is tickled pink to be debt free at long last.
Read the full story - Central Leader

Accuser: gay sex out of character - 29th October 2003
An Auckland electrician was excited about going for a ride in a Porsche and talking business with bar and restaurant owner Philip David Sturm.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Taking on the masses - 26th October 2003
RUTH LAUGESEN talks to the would-be lesbian minister who took on her church - and won.
Read the full story - Sunday Star Times

Ruling `could be fatal blow to Church' - 24th October 2003
A ruling that opens the way for openly gay people to become ministers could destroy the Presbyterian Church in New Zealand, Auckland minister Stuart Lange says.
Read the full story - Otago Daily Times

McDonald to serve sentence at home - 24th October 2003
Former TV3 newsreader Darren McDonald's application for home detention has been approved by the Parole Board.
Read the full story - The Dominion Post

Worker felt sex acts possibly his fault - 24th October 2003
A man who worked for Philip David Sturm says he did not contact police with allegations of sexual violation against his boss for more than a year because he felt maybe it was his own fault.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Sturm complainant lied about drug use - 23rd October 2003
One of four men, who alleges Philip David Sturm drugged and sexually violated him, admitted yesterday that he lied to the court about his own drug use.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Joy for Presbyterian gays but row ahead - 22nd October 2003
Homosexuals can now apply to become Presbyterian ministers after a lesbian won a breakthrough victory against exclusion by the church.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Division over church gay ruling - 22nd October 2003
A gay woman says a decision to let her apply to train as a Presbyterian minister shows the church is aware of its past mistakes.
Read the full story - One News

Lesbian cleared to train as minister - 22nd October 2003
Lesbian lay preacher Deborah Gordon is overjoyed at a Presbyterian Church ruling that gives her a chance of becoming a minister.
Read the full story - The Dominion Post

Wine left man 'very blurryish' - 22nd October 2003
A glass of wine at Auckland's Coast Bar began a "black time" for a young man allegedly drugged and sexually violated by the bar's owner, Philip David Sturm.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Sexuality no barrier says Church - 21st October 2003
Deborah Gordon, a lesbian woman who wishes to become a Presbyterian minister, can now apply for ministry following her appeal after she was turned down for training last year.
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Church allows gay woman to train for ministry - 21st October 2003
The Presbyterian Church said today it would allow a lesbian woman to apply for ministry following her appeal after she was turned down for training last year.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

TVNZ ditches garden show, more shocks to come - 21st October 2003
TVNZ's top-rating Maggie's Garden Show has been axed in favour of a "fresh approach", and other popular programmes are up for review.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Restaurant owner denies drugging men to have sex - 21st October 2003
Bar and restaurant owner Philip David Sturm used drugs and his business success to persuade young men to be alone with him, a jury was told at the beginning of his High Court trial on sex charges.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Anglican provinces no longer in communion - 19th October 2003
The meeting of Anglican primates at Lambeth last week sought to avoid a schism over the appointment of a gay bishop in the USA.
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NZ First deputy leader attacks gay censors - 16th October 2003
NZ First deputy leader Peter Brown has launched a furious attack on the chief censor and his deputy, claiming they let offensive smut through because they were gay.
Read the full story - The Dominion Post

HIV growth prompts warning - 16th October 2003
The number of recorded HIV cases in New Zealand is rising fast.
Read the full story - Western Leader

Gay liaison post a first for NZ Police - 15th October 2003
Waikato policeman Bruce Lyon is as straight as they come - his wife and stepdaughter will vouch for that.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Tedious gay style police setting slobs straight - 14th October 2003
Here's a line you're unlikely to hear on Changing Rooms: "You put a living room where a crack den used to be."
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Dump Waitangi Day says historian - 14th October 2003
..But King claims Prime Minister Keith Holyoake was told by British security officials that McIntosh's homosexuality made him susceptible to blackmail and therefore a security risk .
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Dunedin Bishop supports gay clergy - 12th October 2003
The Rt Revd Penny Jamieson, Bishop of Dunedin, this week signed a Global Open Letter, along with several over Bishops, supporting gay and lesbian members of the Anglican communion.
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Reaching out to Marlborough's gay youth - 9th October 2003
Marlborough's gay youth are still reluctant to express their sexuality and are stigmatised when they do.
Read the full story - The Marlborough Express

Lesbian cleric speaks up for same-sex parenting - 9th October 2003
A lesbian Presbyterian minister has defended the care same-sex couples provide for children, telling MPs the diversity of family relationships was now a reality in society.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Parish supports rights for same-sex couples raising children - 8th October 2003
New legislation aimed at promoting the welfare of children would help recognise the rights of same-sex couples helping to raise their partners' children, two lesbian members of a church parish said today.
Read the full story - Stuff Website

Bare flesh upsets residents - 8th October 2003
Police will act on residents concerns that Glendowie's Gentleman's Bay has been taken over by gay men.
Read the full story - Eastern & Bay Courier

Anglican diocese of Nelson says no to gays - 7th October 2003
The Anglican diocese of Nelson says it will not support homosexual leadership in the church.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Welfare work recognised - 5th October 2003
Wellington Gay Welfare Group Inc - Gay Switchboard Te Whare Atawhai - was commended in the Health and well-being category in the annual TrustPower Wellington City Community Awards.
Read the full story

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Last update: 31 October 2003

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