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New Zealand News

Gay lifestyle study breaks new ground - 30th April 2004
Researchers have started New Zealand's first comprehensive survey of homosexual lifestyles.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Politics: PC war fallout hits Labour - 30th April 2004
The gathering storm over political correctness shows it will be the battleground that shapes not just the culture war but also the political war.
Read the full story - National Business Review

Collins Comments 30 April 2004 - 30th April 2004
Civil Union Bill The Labour Government is looking at the idea of giving same sex couples the rights in law of married couples. The debate has arisen because of the impending introduction of the Civil Union Bill. Those in favour of the Bill say that a civil union would strengthen existing same sex relationships. I'm sure many married couples can burst that little bubble. It takes something more than a law change to make a strong relationship.
Read the full story - National Party

Marc My Words - Friday 30 April - Civil Unions - 30th April 2004
This week the column is somewhat lengthy, but given the interest the Civil Union Bill has worked up both on talk-back and in the press, I have taken the liberty of advancing something more than a sound bite's worth of consideration. As always your comments are most welcome.
Read the full story - United Future NZ Party

Study to shed light on gay communities - 29th April 2004
Massey University researchers are about to conduct the most comprehensive survey yet of New Zealand’s gay and lesbian communities.
Read the full story - Survey

The Column: Labour Attacks NZ's Foundations - 28th April 2004
While the Government’s lack of investment into essential infrastructure is holding the country back – with motorists wasting time and money snarled up in traffic congestion, property owners battling Resource Management Act costs and delays, and Kiwis across the board facing power shortages and rising electricity prices – Labour is busy putting its legislative effort into the gay agenda.
Read the full story - ACT Party

Student Choice On OUSA Spending On Activism - 28th April 2004
Student watchdog group Student Choice has raised serious questions today about Otago University Students Association's spending student money on political and gay rights activism this week.
Read the full story

Conservative bill poses no threat to marriage, says PM - 26th April 2004
The proposed Civil Union Bill is a "rather conservative measure" and attacks on it are beat-ups, says Prime Minister Helen Clark.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Fence Jumpers reveals jolly nice, boring gay people - 26th April 2004
The so-called fence jumpers of tonight's DNZ documentary of the same name are all jolly nice people. They are fence jumpers because, in a laboured attempt to place four very different people in a moulded-for-television category, they have all jumped the white picket fence of heterosexual marriage for a same-sex relationship. This despite the fact that one of those featured, an artist, lived by the beach in an isolated place far from any fences, let alone white picket ones.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Peter Dunne: The Lapdog's Lament - 26th April 2004
New Zealand First leader Rt Hon Winston Peters has asked United Future leader Peter Dunne “just what price he is willing to pay for his support agreement with Labour after years of being a lapdog”.
Read the full story - NZ First

Diana Wichtel: Traditional marriage sure to survive - 24th April 2004
Preceded by what looked like the Amazonian rainforest but turned out to be a conciliatory posy, two-timing Peter trudged off yet again to make it up with Shelley. Yeah, right - or, as they say on Coronation Street, will 'e 'eck? In no time he was being carted off in a police car, further stunning a Weatherfield already traumatised by unwelcome images of Roy Cropper getting it on with Tracey Barlow.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Theatre: Farce and absurd drama make brilliant bedfellows - 23rd April 2004
Cloud Nine, first performed in 1979, is mainly concerned with issues related to the use and abuse of power at the political, social and personal level. The first act, set in a British African colony deals with racism, colonialism and repressed sexuality; the second act, set in late 1970s London, tackles sexuality and interpersonal relationships.
Read the full story - NBR

Civil Unions - You won't get there from here - 23rd April 2004
The government is on the offensive to promote the Civil Union Bills and to portray as scare-mongering any suggestions that the Bills are an assault on marriage. All before the Bills have been released.
Read the full story - Maxim Institute

Gay penguins devoted to each other - 22nd April 2004
They live together, flirt together and provide for each other. They've been a couple for 10 years and it's just like any loving relationship - they've even tried to raise a family together.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Lesbians refuse access to child - 20th April 2004
A lesbian couple at the centre of a custody dispute over their two-year-old son fathered by a Sydney gay man fear repercussions from publicity over their case.
Read the full story - TVNZ

Claire Gummer: Opponents of civil union gay-bashers in disguise - 19th April 2004
People who oppose civil union generally equate it to marriage, and suggest the Civil Union Bill will undermine that institution.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Dunne's new target - 19th April 2004
Fresh from being gazumped by New Zealand First over the foreshore issue, United Future has a new target in its sights. Party leader Peter Dunne has launched a campaign to fight the Civil Unions Bill, the proposed Government legislation which would recognise through registration the relationships of de facto couples – including gay couples, The Press says in an editorial.
Read the full story - The Press

Gay men win legal fight for toddler - 18th April 2004
A toddler at the centre of a tug-of-love custody battle has been given three parents in a landmark court decision - his biological mother, her lesbian partner and their gay sperm donor.
Read the full story - Sunday Star Times

Same-sex parents wary of ruling - 18th April 2004
Nine-week old Tobias will grow up without a dad - and that's just fine by his two mums.
Read the full story - Sunday Star Times

MP hopes to be part of first civil union - 17th April 2004
Government minister Chris Carter and his gay partner of 31 years hope to be among the first to have their relationship recognised as a civil union once legislation is passed.
Read the full story - NZPA

Unique status of marriage at risk - bishops - 17th April 2004
The Civil Union Bill could lead to bisexuals being able to justify "marrying" two people, Catholic bishops say.
Read the full story - The Dominion Post

Catholic bishops defy same-sex bill - 17th April 2004
The Catholic Church warns that the Government's Civil Unions Bill will not deter it from preaching de facto and same-sex relationships are immoral, even if it faces penalties for doing so.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Moral thugs - 15th April 2004
Clearly, Garth George is back on letters duty at the Herald. Yesterday's column was led by four missives of boilerplate Maxim Institute-derived raving about PC, perversions and the threat to the family. Was there really no other opinion?
Read the full story - Russell Brown's Hardnews

Going Native: What Indigeneity Should Look Like In The Morning - 15th April 2004
They've turned human rights law on its head. Instead of constraining the state from abusing its coercive powers, human rights clerics have made it criminally immoral to advertise for a Christian forecourt attendant. You could be liable for the offence caused by leaving a salacious calendar girl on the wall of the staff common room, but not for sending in to every living room images of gay sex that still shock many families.
Read the full story - ACT NZ

United Future Should Review Support for Labour - 14th April 2004
Christian Heritage NZ leader Ewen McQueen today commended United Future for its opposition to the Civil Unions Bill. He noted that the Bill would seriously undermine marriage by creating an alternative with the same legal status, but without the same cultural connotations of lifelong commitment. This would be extremely damaging to family life in New Zealand.
Read the full story - Christian Heritage NZ

Cloud 9 at the SiLo Theatre - 14th April 2004
Edwin Wright is full of nervous energy, smoking furiously. His first time in the director's chair came about by coincidence. Originally a member of the cast in Cloud 9, when the chance came to direct the play he grabbed the opportunity to give a long-held dream a go.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

United Future attacks 'gay marriage' bill - 12th April 2004
United Future has taken out a newspaper advertisement attacking the Government for "more pink think" over a bill allowing gay and heterosexual couples to enter into relationships with the status of marriage.
Read the full story - NZ Herald
United Future

Law Commission re-defines 'parenthood' - 8th April 2004
The Law Commission is wading into a quagmire in a just-released discussion paper New Issues in Legal Parenthood. It is proposing rules for every possible scenario surrounding parenthood in the early 21st century. Issues include advances in human reproductive technology, an increased proportion of de facto relationships, surrogate "parents", "social parenting" and legal guardianship for homosexual couples.
Read the full story - Maxim Institute
To read the Law Commission report "New Issues in Legal Parenthood" visit:

Woman convicted of sexually violating another woman - 3rd April 2004
A woman charged with molesting her flatmate after a night of drinking beer and smoking cannabis has been found guilty of sexual violation.
Read the full story - Waikato Times

Topp Twins play it straight at Government House - 3rd April 2004
It was hard to know who was more nervous as Topp Twins Jools and Lynda came forward to be invested by Governor-General Dame Silvia Cartwright at Government House.
Read the full story - NZPA

Two mums, two dads for some kids - 2nd April 2004
Some children could have two legal mums and two legal dads if radical options for redefining parenthood become law.
Read the full story - The Dominion Post

Google me: The sex advice you need, and some you don't want - 1st April 2004
Auckland University researcher Dr Virginia Braun wants to talk to people about sex. Her survey is about sex in long-term relationships - by her definition, those that have lasted at least a year.
Read the full story - NZ Herald


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