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New Zealand News

Hit The Road, Bill - 28th May 2004
You wouldn't have noticed, but a new campaign started in the war against the Civil Unions Bill last week: the Marriage Matters roadshow toured New Zealand. Organised by Focus on the Family New Zealand, the show rallies the troops with this dire warning:
Marriage is under attack! Civil Union legislation has the potential to seriously undermine Marriage as the building block of society. It is important to realize that Christians can play a strategic role in warming society to the concept of Christian marriage, not only by example but also by expressing clearly the benefits of marriage to the individual, to children & the family, and to society as a whole.
Come and find out how you can become part of the solution for marriages in New Zealand before its too late!
Read the full story - New Zealand Association of Rationalists & Humanists

Lesbian and Gay Film Festival launches tonight - 27th May 2004
Forget Ponsonby Rd, the heroes will be on the silver screen when the sixth annual Lesbian and Gay Film Festival launches tonight.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Law Commission New Issues in Legal Parenthood June 2004 - 26th May 2004
The Law Commission is holding meetings to obtain feedback on the issues arising from our discussion paper New Issues in Legal Parenthood.
Read the full story - The Law Commission
Changing Face Of Families Prompts Law Review

Play dares not speak its name - 23rd May 2004
Reading through Mark Ravenhill's controversial script about a group of drugged-up young things "doing it" in one way or another, there is a moment (scene four, page 26) when you gasp, pull away and think, "How are they going to do that on stage?"
Read the full story - NZ Herald

How Barrymore Crashed and Burned - 21st May 2004
Michael Barrymore was once one of Britain’s biggest and highest paid TV stars whose high-energy madcap routines inspired a loyal following of fans.
Read the full story - News

Two face charges of murdering transient - 18th May 2004
A Westport man was yesterday jointly charged with the murder of a transient homosexual who disappeared on the West Coast almost five years ago.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Civil Union Bill-Introduction - 18th May 2004
Rt Hon WINSTON PETERS (Leader-NZ First) to the Leader of the House: Can he advise when the Government plans to introduce the civil union bill to the House?
Read the full story

Controversial pastor begins new legacy - 16th May 2004
After pastoring for 37 years, the Rev. Richard Rhem of Christ Community Church says there is nothing that he will miss about leading a congregation of about 2,000.
Read the full story - The Holland Sentinel
Auckland Community Church

Finding 'the one' on the web - 14th May 2004
Sit-down comedian and commentator Philip Patston has come to the conclusion after a few months of internet dating that there are a lot of weird guys out there in cyberspace.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Slowing the push for 'gay marriage' - 13th May 2004
With all the focus on the seabed and foreshore hikoi to Wellington last week, the Government was able to pull back on another key piece of legislation without too much fuss, writes the Waikato Times in an editorial.
Read the full story - Waikato Times

Bylaw targets streetwalkers - 12th May 2004
Prostitutes will be banned from Hunter's Corner in Papatoetoe if a bylaw to get rid of street walkers is passed.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Prediction: Govt to dash gay hopes - 7th May 2004
The government may sacrifice gay rights in the Civil Union Bill as it tries to claw back middle New Zealand support from National.
Read the full story - National Business Review

Mistaken identity no joke - 7th May 2004
HE'S a gay, disabled, vegetarian comic from New Zealand. As unique as that may sound, Philip Patston gets mistaken for someone else wherever he goes.
Read the full story - The Advertiser

Civil union legislation delayed - 6th May 2004
Controversial legislation giving gay relationships a similar status to heterosexual marriages has been held up, the Government said today.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Controversial gay 'marriage' bill delayed again - 6th May 2004
A controversial plan to allow gay couples to tie the knot has again been put on hold.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

“Political Fallout” if Civil Union Bill Proceeds - 6th May 2004
The Society predicts that there will be massive political fallout if the Civil Union Bill and the Recognition of Relationships Bill (also referred to as the Omnibus Bill), which the Labour-led Government is planning to shortly introduce into Parliament, proceeds to the select committee stage and beyond.
Read the full story

Age limit on transgender treatment could endanger young patients, says lecturer - 5th May 2004
Young people refused hormone treatment on the grounds they are too young could be placed at severe risk of harming themselves or suicide, according to a Massey University health sciences lecturer.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Support split on civil union bill - 3rd May 2004
Support is split for a bill giving registered civil union couples,including same-sex couples, the same legal rights as married couples, a poll shows.
Read the full story - Stuff Newsite


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Last update: 31 May 2004

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