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New Zealand News

More MPs support latest relationships bill - 30th June 2004
A planned law to end discrimination against straight and gay couples has gathered more support among MPs than the contentious plan to set up civil unions as an alternative to marriage.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Tapu Misa: There's nothing wrong with a bit of social tinkering - 30th June 2004
As long as we're talking morality, and it seems we can't get away from it right now, we should probably get the confessions out of the way first. Yes, I have sinned. No, I'm not sharing the details; there isn't enough space here to list them all. Suffice to say, I was very sorry - each and every time.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Marriage a tall poppy which must not be levelled - 25th June 2004
Marriage a tall poppy which must not be levelled
Treating all relationships the same as marriage will make it meaningless for future generations, says Greg Fleming, Managing Director of Maxim Institute.
Read the full story - Maxim Institute

Does the Civil Union Bill Legalise Marriage? - 30th June 2004
The Dominion Post made a gaffe yesterday morning in an article featuring statements made by Cardinal Thomas Williams relating to recent government policy changes and responses to them made by the Prime Minister.
Read the full story - The Society for the Promotion of Community Standards Inc

Civil union anger a bit sad, says PM - 29th June 2004
Prime Minister Helen Clark has weighed into the morality debate as religious leaders step up their attacks on the Government's liberal agenda.
Read the full story - The Dominion Post

Alarm at rise in HIV infections - 29th June 2004
An HIV-Aids epidemic could grip the country if New Zealanders do not heed warnings about safe sex.
Read the full story - The Press

Free condoms to be commended, says MP - 29th June 2004
Green MP Nandor Tanczos says student organisers of Edgewater College's school ball should be congratulated for offering a free condom with each ticket.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

School says sorry over students' pre-ball condoms - 29th June 2004
Teenagers at an Auckland high school were offered complimentary condoms when they bought tickets to their school ball.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Conscience vote private matter says PM - 29th June 2004
Prime Minister Helen Clark says MPs must decide for themselves where their consciences lie and are not dictated to by electorates in free votes.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Labour MP apologises for gay MP comments, PM says - 28th June 2004
Labour MP Janet Mackey is sorry she said the Civil Union Bill had been hijacked by gay MPs, Prime Minister Helen Clark said today.
Read the full story - Stuff News

HIV infections remain high - 28th June 2004
The number of people contracting HIV remains high, figures released today show.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Clark says comments by cardinal 'sad' - 28th June 2004
Prime Minister Helen Clark today labelled as "sad" comments by Cardinal Tom Williams that likened modern liberal politicians to barbarians.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Cardinal Thomas Williams: Barbarians at the gate jib at Judaeo-Christian ethic - 28th June 2004
Liberal Government policies in recent times have accelerated the rate of social change that has been taking place for a generation or more. We live now in a nation where the guiding principles and moral signposts of previous generations have become blurred.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Dunne is having a bob each way say critics - 28th June 2004
United Future leader Peter Dunne has been accused by another political party with strong Christian links of failing to respect families.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Mackey’s Support for Civil Unions Welcomed - 28th June 2004
Labour MP Janet Mackey’s support for Civil Unions has been welcomed by spokesperson Jeremy Lambert.
Read the full story -

State of the union - 26th June 2004
THERE seems huge irony in the fact that Keith King and Hilton Topia run a wedding venue, the lush Willow Glen gardens at Gordonton, near Hamilton, where couples can celebrate their good fortune among flowers, fountains and glades.
Read the full story - Waikato Times

Abstainer Choudhary still to decide stance - 26th June 2004
Labour MP Ashraf Choudhary says he will decide his stance on the Civil Union Bill after Parliament's justice committee has examined it and heard public submissions.
Read the full story - Manawatu Standard

Novice NZ director takes 'silent' film to Montreal - 26th June 2004
A film about a teenage male prostitute - in which the characters don't speak - has been selected as a finalist in one of the world's leading movie competitions.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Cardinal laments descent to 'moral wasteland' - 26th June 2004
The head of the Catholic Church has rounded on the liberal policies of recent Governments, saying the country is becoming a "moral wasteland".
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Muslims tackle their silent MP - 26th June 2004
"Please explain, Dr Choudhary."
That will be the request put to New Zealand's first Muslim MP Ashraf Choudhary by the Federation of Ethnic Councils today after his no-vote on a Government proposal to allow civil unions as an alternative to marriage for gay and straight couples.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

'Hijack' by gays in caucus - 26th June 2004
Labour's Janet Mackey has accused gay MPs of hijacking the Civil Union Bill and making it into their own issue.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

John Armstrong: Civil Union Bill is no Dunne deal - 26th June 2004
Even though he failed to get the Civil Union Bill chucked out of Parliament on Thursday, Peter Dunne could justifiably claim a measure of victory in defeat.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Hon David Benson-Pope: Civil Union Bill recognises reality - 25th June 2004
The Civil Union Bill is appropriate to the times, recognising the reality of relationships instead of attempting to deny their existence, says Associate Justice Minister David Benson-Pope.
Read the full story - Hon David Benson-Pope

MPs get hate mail on 'gay marriage' bill - 25th June 2004
Parliament's justice committee can expect a torrent of highly-charged public submissions when it opens hearings on the Civil Union Bill.
Read the full story - Stuff News

Civil Union Bill's critics vow to battle on - 25th June 2004
Civil union critics are vowing to continue their fight against setting up a legal register for gay and straight de facto couples after MPs offered only a lukewarm embrace of the Government's alternative to marriage yesterday.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Civil Union Bill passes first test - 25th June 2004
Civil unions between straight and gay couples were labelled everything from a "fair go" to an "abomination to mankind" yesterday as MPs decided not to reject outright the Government's proposed alternative to marriage.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Geoff Kemp: Tolerance having a hard time - 25th June 2004
The meaning and application of "tolerance", that most hallowed of terms in modern liberal democracy, has been argued over for centuries. In a week that has seen the tabling of the Civil Union Bill, there appears no sign of the argument abating.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Te Radar: Bigots who have put the mental into fundamental - 25th June 2004
I am sure that many a church fair was organised under the twitching and urine-streaked feet of a strung-up Negro.
It's one of the reasons that I simply cannot take seriously those who espouse religious edicts as moral truths.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Dads' delight as bill passes hurdle - 25th June 2004
John Jolliff and Des Smith are one step closer to saying "I do".
Together, the couple founded campaign group CUBSS, the Civil Union Bill Support Society. They were in Parliament yesterday, wearing the campaign colours of orange and white, to see the bill pass its first reading, 66 to 50.
Read the full story - The Dominion Post

Twinked in - 25th June 2004
The speeches on the first reading of the Civil Union Bill were as interesting as they always are on a conscience vote. Our elected members are obliged at these times to depart from the script and speak their minds.
Read the full story - Public Address

Small Step Toward Tolerance - 25th June 2004
“A small step in the right direction toward a more tolerant society” was how Conor Roberts, chair of Auckland Universities Princes Street Labour Branch, described the 66-50 vote in favour of the introduction of the Civil Union Bill.
Read the full story - Labour Party

The Civil Union Bill - Marriage by another name? - 25th June 2004
Associate Justice Minister David Benson-Pope has been walking a tightrope this week. He's tried to convince marriage advocates that the Civil Union Bill is not the same as marriage, yet at the same time assure the bills supporters that it provides same-sex couples with a legal equivalent to marriage.
Read the full story - Maxim Institute

Civil dis-union - 25th June 2004
A titanic struggle is looming after contentious legislation recognising gay unions cleared its first parliamentary hurdle.
The Civil Union Bill passed its first reading with a comfortable 16-vote majority yesterday, after drawing support from all parties except United Future. But the bill's opponents are predicting many of its backers will change their minds under pressure from lobby groups.
Read the full story - The Dominion Post

Civil Union Bill passes its first test - 24th June 2004
The Civil Union Bill went through its first reading on a 66-50 conscience vote today after a passionate, polarising debate which split the ranks of most parties in Parliament.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Civil Union Bill clears hurdle - 24th June 2004
The Civil Union Bill has passed a conscience vote in Parliament by 66 to 50 and will be sent to the Justice and Electoral Select Committee.
Read the full story - TVNZ

Marriage in everything but name - 24th June 2004
A civil union is an alternative to marriage, for both gay and straight couples. It allows de facto couples to formally register their relationship under the Births, Deaths and Marriages Act. Gay couples will still not be able to get married. Critics of the law say civil unions undermine marriage.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

First hurdle far from the last as support for new law slides - 24th June 2004
The fate of the Government's promise to offer civil unions to same-sex couples will hang in the balance even if the contentious new law survives its first political test today.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Hon David Benson-Pope: Civil Union Bill simply about choice - 24th June 2004
Mr Speaker, I move that the Civil Union Bill be now read a first time.
At the appropriate time, I will propose that this Bill be referred to the Justice and Electoral Committee.
Read the full story - Hon David Benson-Pope

Hon David Benson-Pope: QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Relationships (Statutory References) Bill - Civil Union Bill - 24th June 2004
Hon PETER DUNNE (Leader - United Future) to the Associate Minister of Justice: Does he intend to proceed with the Relationships (Statutory References) Bill if the Civil Union Bill fails to progress through all of its legislative stages?
Hon DAVID BENSON-POPE (Associate Minister of Justice): I am confident that the Civil Union Bill will progress through all of its legislative stages and will be enacted into law. The Government sees these two bills as being very much interrelated and progressing in tandem. The member's question is rather premature.
Read the full story - Hon David Benson-Pope

Gays turn out at Parliament - 24th June 2004
Gays have turned out in force at Parliament today to listen to the historic first reading of a bill which will allow them to walk up the aisle.
Read the full story - NZ City

Philippa Stevenson: Mountain of love hails new unions - 24th June 2004
It's the quiet season in the wedding business.
Naturally enough, only 14 per cent of those who tie the knot each year choose to do so in the winter months of June, July and August.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Garth George: Nonsense comes to the fore in debate over civil unions - 24th June 2004
If the prolonged and heated public debate on the Civil Union Bill has achieved anything, it is to bring the whole question of homosexuality back out into the open where it belongs.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Same-sex bill likely to pass - 24th June 2004
The Civil Union Bill putting de facto and same-sex couples on the same legal footing as their married counterparts is expected to pass its first parliamentary hurdle this afternoon.
Read the full story - The Dominion Post

Young Labour Says Support Civil Unions - 24th June 2004
"Young Labour is today launching our second campaign of the year: 'Stand Up and Join the Fight - Support the Civil Union Bill'," said Young Labour President, Michael Wood.
Read the full story - Young Labour

Foundation fears rise in HIV - 24th June 2004
Last year's alarming rise in HIV infections looks set to be topped by new diagnoses this year.
Read the full story - The Press

NO! to Civil Union Bill - 24th June 2004
Civil unions will never ultimately satisfy same-sex ‘gay’ activists when they are still denied access to marriage. The government should play no role in providing a legal framework for same-sex relationships that treats such partnerships as functional equivalents to married couples.
Read the full story - The Society for the Promotion of Community Standards Inc

MPs under pressure as civil unions lose support - 23rd June 2004
Frantic lobbying has begun at Parliament to keep plans for civil unions alive as the number of MPs expected to vote for it tomorrow begins to slide.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

John Armstrong: PM dragged into fighting for law to provide alternative to marriage - 23rd June 2004
The head counting has begun in earnest. And the way the numbers fall will be no small matter of interest for the Prime Minister.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Whatever happens tomorrow - 23rd June 2004
Whatever happens tomorrow, history will not fondly regard the Labour MPs who vote against the Civil Union Bill. If it passes its first reading and eventually becomes law, they will be seen as having stood against an act of social justice whose apparently dire implications - shades of homosexual law reform - will be quickly eroded by reality.
Read the full story - Public Address

David Friar: Marriage is more than having and nurturing children - 23rd June 2004
Samuel Gregg claims that discrimination against gays and lesbians is justified. But however ingenious his arguments, they simply do not follow.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Lobbying ahead of civil union bill - 22nd June 2004
MPs are coming under intense lobbying on the Civil Union Bill ahead of its first reading in Parliament on Thursday.
The Bill will allow same-sex and de facto couples to legally register their relationships.
Read the full story - TVNZ

Rainbow Labour Supports Civil Unions - 22nd June 2004
Rainbow Labour unreservedly supports the Civil Union Bill and Relationships (Statutory References) Bill.
"The civil union legislation introduced by the Government is a fair response to the pressing need for legal equality for same-sex and de facto couples", said Rainbow Labour Co-Chair, Michael Wallmannsberger.
Read the full story - Rainbow Labour

Labour MPs should back Civil Union Bill – Minister - 22nd June 2004
Labour MPs who vote against the Civil Union Bill will be reneging on a party pledge, Conservation Minister Chris Carter said today.
Read the full story - Stuff News

Out in the Garden - 22nd June 2004
In Out in the Garden, arborist Simon Miller sets out to discover why the most gorgeous gardens are often created by gay men.
What is it about gay gardeners that makes them lead the way with cutting-edge garden designs? Could there really be something different about the way they create a garden?
Read the full story - TVNZ

Relationship laws may 'out' businesspeople - 22nd June 2004
Company directors may be forced out of boardroom closets under new relationship laws unveiled yesterday which are already sparking privacy concerns.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Church blessing for civil unions - 22nd June 2004
The gay marriage debate is heating up as some churches confirm plans to let same-sex couples trip down the aisle for civil union ceremonies.
Read the full story - The Dominion Post

Gay MPs take back seat over bill - 22nd June 2004
Labour's gay MPs will limit their public enthusiasm for the contentious Civil Union Bill as the Government tries to prevent critics accusing it of pandering to the pink vote.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Editorial: Civil Union Bill should be passed - 22nd June 2004
Marriage is one of those traditional states that is forever said to be out of fashion but somehow never fades away. It is unlikely to suffer much if the Civil Union Bill tabled in Parliament yesterday is eventually passed.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Hon David Benson-Pope: Civil Union Bill—Rights - 22nd June 2004
Hon DAVID BENSON-POPE (Associate Minister of Justice): The Civil Union Bill confers the right for different and same-sex couples to have their relationship formalised by a registrar or a civil union celebrant and to have their relationship registered under the Births, Deaths, and Marriages Registration Act. I do not believe that civil union vows, or marriage vows for that matter, are only of symbolic value.
Read the full story - Hon David Benson-Pope

Michael Stevens: Simple-minded certitude of anti-gay groups frightening - 22nd June 2004
Amanda McGrail, of the Maxim Institute, writes of the limits of tolerance, and, of course, tolerance does have its limits. She and her ilk often test mine.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

PrideAlliance says CUB doesn't go far enough - 21st June 2004
While the Civil Union Bill due for its first reading this Thursday is an important step for New Zealand, it falls far short of what we should be expecting from a country that used to be a world leader on human rights .
Read the full story - Pride Alliance

Why is the government promoting these two Bills?
The law differentiates between people in committed, exclusive and stable relationships depending on their marital status, with a number of legal rights and responsibilities accessible only to married couples. These potentially discriminatory laws expose the government to risks of complaints to the Human Right Commission (HRC), cases before the Human Rights Review Tribunal and litigation. It isn't fair to deny legal rights to people unable to marry, and establishing civil union in legislation means that Parliament, rather than the judiciary, determines relationship law for New Zealand.
Read the full story - Hon David Benson-Pope

Press Release: Hon David Benson-Pope: New laws remove discrimination: minister - 21st June 2004
The introduction of the Civil Union Bill and the Relationships (Statutory References) Bill is about removing discrimination in New Zealand law explains Associate Minister of Justice David Benson-Pope.
Read the full story - Hon David Benson-Pope

Civil Unions – Escape From Religion, Or Commitment - 21st June 2004
The Prime Minister says the Civil Unions Bill is needed to escape the religious connotations associated with marriage1. However Christian Heritage NZ leader Ewen McQueen said today that marriage in New Zealand was already a civil institution and in fact legally it always has been.
Read the full story - Christian Heritage Party

Marriage for heterosexuals only, PM says - 21st June 2004
Marriage is for heterosexuals only, though new legislation aims to ensure no couples are disadvantaged under the law, Prime Minister Helen Clark said today.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Civil union not necessary says Dunne - 21st June 2004
Peter Dunne will campaign against the Government's plans to legalise same-sex unions knowing his United Future Party is likely to be attacked as strict, conservative Christians.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Samuel Gregg: Homosexual unions not morally equal - 21st June 2004
In many respects, the debate about according legal recognition to homosexual relationships, be it through civil unions, relationship acts, or marriage licences, is an argument about justice.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Civil Union Petition Hits 1000 - 21st June 2004
“A fantastic response!” was the response of Conor Roberts, a spokesperson for - the Campaign for Civil Unions. Mr Roberts was reacting to news that his online petition, which was set up in support of the Civil Union Bill legislation, has climbed over one thousand e-signatures.
Read the full story - The Campaign for Civil Unions

Marriage comments cynical and confused - 21st June 2004
David Benson-Pope's suggestion that politicians enter marriage to 'remove barriers' is a typical approach from this cynical government, says National's Families spokeswoman, Judith Collins.
Read the full story - National Party

Ex-MP: We've moved on - 19th June 2004
Almost 20 years on, the woman vilified for leading the liberalisation of homosexual law cannot understand why there is such a fuss over civil unions.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Govt open over civil union bill - 19th June 2004
The Government may drop plans to let married people skip divorce and convert their vows to a civil union after critics attacked the contentious Civil Union Bill.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Legal status at a price - 18th June 2004
Gay couples are tipped to be out of pocket collectively by up to $10 million a year after they are given legal status.
Read the full story - The Dominion Post

Civil Union Bill—Marriage - 18th June 2004
6. LARRY BALDOCK (United Future) to the Associate Minister of Justice: What is the distinction between a civil union, as proposed, and a marriage conducted in a non-religious context?
Read the full story - United Future

The Fundy Post: Issue 4 - Civil Unions Update - 18th June 2004
The Civil Unions Bill is being voted on in parliament next week. You probably know that there is a large amount of opposition to the bill from a small number of conservative reactionary fundamentalists.
Read the full story - New Zealand Association of Rationalists & Humanists (Inc.)

Compassion Marks Christian Views On Civil Unions - 18th June 2004
Compassion and hope mark Christian views on Civil Unions.
Read the full story - St. Andrew's on The Terrace

Government says civil union bill not about strident minority - 18th June 2004
The Labour MP fronting the Civil Union Bill says he would have preferred a civil union over marriage, had it been available to him.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Nobody should be second-class - 18th June 2004
It would be a pity if the controversial Civil Union Bill failed at its first hurdle when it is introduced into Parliament next week, and the public doesn't get the chance to even discuss its merits, or lack of them, in front of a committee of politicians, comments the Manawatu Standard in an editorial.
Read the full story - Manawatu Standard

Gay MP's role in bill questioned - 18th June 2004
Gay Labour MP Tim Barnett may be ousted from a key role in overseeing the contentious Civil Union Bill which MPs vote on next week.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Moral battle over civil unions - 18th June 2004
"I, Joe Bloggs, take you, John Smith, to be my partner in our civil union."
Politicians are preparing to form moral battle lines over the civil union bill, which will recognise unions between couples of any sex who decide to utter that one simple sentence in front of witnesses and a registrar or licensed celebrant.
Read the full story - The Dominion Post

Neil Whitehead: Nature or nurture? It's a bit of both, in fact - 18th June 2004
The Rev Rob McKay perpetuates an example of outdated religious attitudes to sexuality in his appeal to science for support. Nature/nurture issues were settled decades ago and the debate has moved on.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Theatre: Clouding our perspectives - 18th June 2004
Written 25 years ago, following a series of Joint Stock Theatre Group workshops exploring sexual politics (directed by Max Stafford-Clark), Caryl Churchill's Cloud 9 contrasts late 19th century sexual repression in the context of British colonial Africa, with rampant sexual liberation in late-1970s London.
Read the full story - National Business Review
Circa Theatre

The northeast gales - 18th June 2004
Judith Collins MP has sent me a lovely email with respect to yesterday's civil unions post headed 'Your rantings'. It says: "Thanks for the free publicity. I just love the way the diversity friendly people like yourself are so opposed to any view contrary to your own. Keep it up."
Read the full story - Public Address

Civil Union Bill and Human Rights Demands - 18th June 2004
Maxim Institute Director Bruce Logan presented the following lecture at the Society's AGM on Monday night 14 June entitled "Human Rights Demands, are they in the Public Good?" He made special reference to the Labour-led Government's anti-marriage and anti-family Civil Union and Omnibus Bills.
Read the full story - The Society for the Promotion of Community Standards Inc

Amanda McGrail: Time we stopped giving each other unqualified labels - 17th June 2004
The debate over homosexuality has revealed a disturbing level of confusion about tolerance - the new golden rule. Uri Khein is the latest to confuse true tolerance with homophobia, an oft-used term which is shallow in meaning but rich in emotive sensation and intimidating force.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Not a freakin' clue - 17th June 2004
Could National's families spokesman Judith Collins please refrain from going to the media until she has a freakin' clue what she's on about? She was on Morning Report today declaring that the Civil Union Bill "takes away the choice" of couples as to whether they want to get married or not. It does not.
Read the full story - Public Address

United Future finds problems in Civil Union Bill - 17th June 2004
The United Future Party raised more concerns about the controversial Civil Union Bill in Parliament today ahead of its introduction next week.
Read the full story - Stuff Newsite

New Zealand must wake up to marriage - 17th June 2004
A new book by the Maxim Institute reveals why we must halt the decline of marriage in New Zealand which would accelerate if the Civil Union legislation is passed. Author and Maxim Institute Director Bruce Logan, says the dream of an enduring marriage still beats in the heart of an overwhelming majority of New Zealanders. But since 1960, there has been a steady displacement of a marriage culture by one of divorce, cohabitation and unwed parenthood.
Read the full story - Maxim Institute

Civil Union Bills redefine marriage - 17th June 2004
Government social engineering will reach new heights with the introduction of the two Civil Union Bills next week, says Maxim Institute Managing Director, Greg Fleming.
Read the full story - Maxim Institute

Civil Union Bills will make marriage meaningless - 17th June 2004
The two Civil Union Bills will be tabled next Monday and voted on by Parliament for the first time next Thursday, 24 June. Together these bills will provide de facto and same-sex couples with the same privileges and responsibilities of marriage, making marriage meaningless. Apart from the fact that the word "marriage" will refer only to a man and woman, there will be no other legal difference between a marriage and a civil union.
Read the full story - Maxim Institute

Civil union law likely to clear first hurdle - 16th June 2004
Helen Clark and Don Brash are expected to become unlikely allies next week in voting for a law to give legal rights to same-sex and heterosexual couples who do not want to marry.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Rob McKay: Bishop's position represents old values of conservative right - 16th June 2004
Front-page news regarding Bishop Whakahuihui Vercoe's views on homosexuality and women in the church has drawn both negative and positive opinions throughout New Zealand.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Tapu Misa: You can thank Pacific Islanders for your view of sexuality - 16th June 2004
Depending on where you stand on the homosexual debate, we in the Pacific could either be blamed or lauded for our impact on matters gay.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

FEATURE: Civil Unions public meeting - 15th June 2004
What with the Civil Unions Bill finally set to get a first reading in Parliament this month, I though it would be a good time to publish a partial transcript of a public meeting on civil unions held a little while ago at the Milford Baptist Church on Auckland's North Shore and subsequently transcribed by some enterprising young chaps.
Read the full story - Public Address

Civil Union Bill's debut this month, says Clark - 15th June 2004
The Government is inching ever closer to introducing the controversial Civil Union Bill.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

What the bishop said and meant - 14th June 2004
Bishop Whakahuihui Vercoe says an initial report that his vision was of a world without homosexuality was "a straight-out lie", writes The Southland Times in an editorial.
Read the full story - Southland Times

PrideAlliance announces national gathering - 14th June 2004
PrideAlliance, the queer network of the Alliance Party, will be holding its first national gathering on Saturday September 25 in Wellington. Alliance members from around the country who don't fit the heterosexual nuclear family stereotype will be coming together to discuss queer issues, network, and make plans for the future.
Read the full story - Pride Alliance

Civil Union divides caucus - 14th June 2004
The Government will introduce its Civil Union Bill next week, despite division within its own caucus.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Uri Khein: Church must put aside its prejudices - 14th June 2004
"A world without gays" was not an exaggerated headline, given the newsworthiness of the sentiment expressed by Whakahuihui Vercoe, the newly appointed Anglican Archbishop.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

How our 'leaders' are exploiting gays - 14th June 2004
Denying public recognition to long-term gay relationships simply promotes homophobia, writes Muriel Porter.
Read the full story - The Age

School asks bully victim to leave - 13th June 2004
A prestigious Christchurch private boys' school has cracked down on an apparent case of bullying by asking the victim to leave the school.
Read the full story - Sunday Star Times

Ihimaera looks back in anger - 12th June 2004
Within the next two or three years, writer Witi Ihimaera, named a Distinguished Companion in this year's New Zealand honours, will have four novels transferred to the big screen and his work will have appeared in theatrical, operatic and ballet form. He talks to the Gisborne Herald's KRISTINE WALSH about a body of work he admits can be problematic for some.
Read the full story - Otago Daily Times

GUEST The Rt Rev Richard Randerson on 95bFM's The Wire - 10th June 2004
The Rt Rev Richard Randerson, dean of Auckland's Holy Trinity Church was kind enough to come on my Wire show on 95bFM yesterday, and a good interview took place on the matter of the controversial comments by the new head of the Anglican church in New Zealand, Archbishop Whakahuihui Vercoe reported in the Weekend Herald last Saturday.
Read the full story - Public Address
95 BFM

Garth George: Homosexuality question is here to stay, so get used to it - 10th June 2004
Just as the seabed and foreshore issue gave Don Brash's Orewa speech a reaction denied to all those who had said the same things before him over and over again, the controversy surrounding the Civil Union Bill has, I think, had the same effect on Bishop Whakahuihui Vercoe's pronouncements on homosexuality.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Richard Randerson: Archbishop at odds with church on homosexuals - 9th June 2004
Missing from the Herald report of Archbishop Whakahuihui Vercoe's vision of a world without homosexuality was the clear statement on the subject agreed to only a month ago when the Anglican General Synod sat in Rotorua.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Readers respond: Bishop's stance on gays argued - 8th June 2004
As a gay man I am deeply offended by your headline "A world without gays". If Archbishop Whakahuihui Vercoe had stated "A world without Jews" or "A world without Maori", would you have printed that as your headline?
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Writer, judge and bishop score top honours - 7th June 2004
Aviation, literary and ecclesiastical pioneers, a senior judge and a sports stalwart head this year's Queen's Birthday Honours.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Queen's Birthday Honours: Witi Ihimaera - 7th June 2004
Newly honoured writer Witi Ihimaera says he wants to be a beacon to all New Zealanders by telling stories of their "tribe".
Read the full story - NZ Herald
Witi Tame Ihimaera Book

Queen's Birthday Honours: Right Rev Dr Penny Jamieson - 7th June 2004
The Anglican Bishop of Dunedin, the Right Rev Dr Penny Jamieson, is disappointed more women have not followed in her footsteps.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Archbishop's gay comments 'threat to young' - 7th June 2004
Maori researchers are accusing the Anglican Church's new head, Archbishop Whakahuihui Vercoe, of endangering young people for calling for a world without gays.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Top bishop's vision - a world without gays - 5th June 2004
The new head of the Anglican Church has a vision of a world without homosexuality.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Strong sermon from the pulpit - 5th June 2004
In issues of sex the new leader of New Zealand's Anglicans is conservative. In Maori matters he is radical.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Flamboyant arts figure had Dunedin connection - 5th June 2004
James Mack was a flamboyant, controversial figure in the New Zealand arts world who was for nearly three active years assistant director of the Dunedin Art Gallery in the late 1960s.
Read the full story - Otago Daily Times

Second man appears for 1999 murder - 4th June 2004
A second man appeared in court yesterday accused of a murder in Westport five years ago.
Read the full story - NZ Herald

Fundraising show brought to heal - 4th June 2004
A beauty pageant featuring extravagant gowns is seeking contestants. Women need not apply. Contestants must be men.
Read the full story - Auckland City Harbour News

Lights, Camera, Action!! - Golden Stiletto Awards - 2nd June 2004
It's the night of Queens - the Annual Golden Stiletto Awards - this Queens Birthday weekend at the Crowne Plaza, Auckland.
Read the full story

New drug for HIV/AIDS patients to be fully-funded - 1st June 2004
A drug for patients with advanced HIV/Aids is to be fully funded by the government drug-buying agency Pharmac.
Read the full story - NZ Herald


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